How To: Swell and Swell Period
Using The Old Man’s App to Predict Swells
From the main page tap on the circle
The circle gets larger, the center shows the current swell in feet
Under the swell in feet are the swell periods - a good guide, if the swell period is short 10 seconds (10s) or less then it is a wind swell. Swells with longer swell periods 11 seconds (11s) or more will break with more SwellPower®.
At the bottom of this page, there is a slider. Moving this slider left or right will move you through the hour of the day. Moving left earlier and right later.
As you move left or right look at the center showing the swell in feet watch the swell periods.
Swell period increasing means more SwellPower® - If a swell period jumps from a short period to longer period this indicates a new swell arriving during that time period. (ex. one day shows 6.7s the next day shows 13.6s)