7 Day Summary Forecast

Learn about 7 day summary forecast in this video. You will learn how to read swell trends on the Old Man’s App. The video will show you about daily 7 day swell forecasts. You will view morning and evenings swell size, and swell periods. You will also see color codings showing you the swells conditions from Poor (Red), Fair (Orange), Fair to Good Blue, Good/Awesome (Green). From the main page scroll down to the near bottom you will see a “7 Day Summary Forecast” The “7 Day Summary Forecast” has 7 days showing swell height, swell period, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. The “7 Day Summary Forecast” will be color coded for the conditions from 1 to 5 with condition 3 “BLUE,” right in the ratings middle, being “Fair To Good”.

Boris Gundelach