Swell Notifications

Learn “How To” setup swell notification in the  Old Man’s Surf Report. Receive daily updates for day, time, conditions, swell period, wind and tide. Reports come out late in the afternoon for the following day.

  1. From the main page on the top left  tap on the “3 vertical dots” to choose the menu

  2. Notifications are activated by going to “SETTINGS” and selecting the “GREEN BUTTON” and selecting “PREFERRED TIME” and “SKILL LEVEL” TO “SAVE” tap on the X on the upper right corner.

  3. But first, make sure you have some “FAVORITES” and a “SECRET SPOT” - you will get notifications from these selections.

  4. Notifications come in around 4pm for the next surfing day called “SURF UPDATE” and show the day, time, wave size and swell period, wind and tide of your favorites and Secret spot.


Boris Gundelach